Critical Visit Monitoring | The System That Gives You Peace Of Mind
At Town & Country Homecare Limited we constantly strive to offer our Service Users a better service. Critical Visit Monitoring delivers both comfort and peace of mind to Service Users and their families.
When a new Service User starts with us permission for the carers to be able to use the home telephone on arrival and on departure of a visit. This phone call is 100% FREE of charge to the Service User. The carer can log in and out of the visit by these phone calls and the data of these phone calls is collected by our system at the office.
The system is set up to deliver automated alerts to our team of co-ordinators both in and out of office hours when a visit hasn’t started by a certain time. This allows us to contact the carer who was scheduled to carry out the visit to ascertain the reason for the delay.
If there is a major problem (which is rare), which without the system we would have not know about, we are now able to make alternative arrangements by utilising our “stand-by” carers while keeping the Service User informed of the situation.
Alerts can be set up to activate at varying time scales, depending on the nature of a Service Users requirements. For example someone who is Diabetic would be deemed to need “Critical Care” so the alerts are set up to activate if a visit hasn’t begun 15 minutes after the planned start time. This means that if the visit due to begin at 9:00am has not begun by 9:15am then an alert will be generated. For normal Personal Care visits create an alert after 30 minutes.
There have been many instances where Service Users have received better outcomes since this system was put in place.